Propaganda im Kaiserreich

Personenkult und Propaganda der Habsburgermonarchie – Eine Darstellungsanalyse Kaiser Franz Josephs I.

1. Medien im Kaiserreich
2. Pressepolitik 1848-1918
3. Haus Habsburg und Kaiser Franz Joseph I.
4. Schicksalsschläge und Echo in der Presse
5. Herrschertum und Öffentlichkeit

Die Darstellungen des Kaisers Franz Joseph I. reichen vom liebevollen Familienvater bis zum Pedanten, der von militärischem Drill und kirchlicher Doktrin durchdrungen ist.Die Kernaussage dieser Abhandlung versucht einen Eindruck über den Personenkult und die propagandistischen Prozesse zu geben, welche die Person Kaiser Franz Josephs anstieß und sie im kollektiven Denken der Menschen zu dem Bildern formten, die allgemeine Gültigkeit fanden.Die Vorgehensweise beruht auf dem Umstand, dass historische Aufzeichnungen über die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Kaisers Franz Josephs I. kaum belegt sind. Wie und auf welche Weise er tatsächlich versuchte die Öffentlichkeit zu beeinflussen, bleibt eine Frage, die sich nicht mit Bezug auf eine direkte Quelle beantworten lässt. Man muss sich bei dem Versuch der Klärung auf mehrere Wirkungsfelder beziehen, die alle Einfluss auf die Darstellung des Kaisers hatten oder von seinem Auftritt geprägt wurden. Das sind maßgeblich die Medien des 19. Jahrhunderts und die Pressepolitik der Regierung unter Franz Joseph.Auf diese wird im Verlauf der Arbeit gesondert eingegangen, um daran anschließend die Erkenntnisse aus diesen Abschnitten zusammen zu führen. Dabei spielt die mediale Berichterstattung über Franz Joseph aus dem 19. Jahrhundert eine tragende Rolle. Letztendlich wird aufgezeigt, dass die verschiedenen Wirkungsfelder sich gegenseitig stark beeinflussten und dadurch die unterschiedlichen Bilder des Kaisers schufen. Diese variierten im Lauf der Zeit stark und so lässt sich letztendlich keine Darstellung als allein gültig feststellen.

The Emperor Francis Joseph is anchored in the collective memory of the Austrian people as an aging gentle ruler, the personification a golden age of Austrian history. Thus he is seen in the nostalgic context.On the other hand, he is perceived as a regent whose stubborn way of thinking and desperate refusal to let go of outmoded conventions led the Danube Monarchy into the abyss.He is portrayed in many ways from the loving family man to the pedantic ruler extremely dependant upon military drill and religious doctrine.The key message of this essay is to give an impression of the extent to which the personality cult and the propaganda concerning the Emperor was utilized by him to create his public image and accepted by the general public.There are very few historical records of the Emporer Francis Joseph's "public relations" campaign.How he tried to influence the public thus remains a question which cannot be answered in referring to direct sources. In search of a solution,one must consider several fields which influenced the Emperor 's image or were shaped by his appearance. This is mainly the media of the 19th century and the press policy of the government under Franz Joseph.To this will gone into separately in process of this paper, for making afterwards consolidated findings out of these periods all together. Thereby becomes the media coverage about Franz Joseph in the 19th Century a very important role.Finally there will be shown that the different operating domains are strongly interacted and so they created the diverse images of the imperator. These variegated in the course of time a lot and so it is quite difficult to determine a description as significant.AbstractThe Emperor Francis Joseph is anchored in the collective memory of the Austrian people as an aging gentle ruler, the personification a golden age of Austrian history. Thus he is seen in the nostalgic context.On the other hand, he is perceived as a regent whose stubborn way of thinking and desperate refusal to let go of outmoded conventions led the Danube Monarchy into the abyss.He is portrayed in many ways from the loving family man to the pedantic ruler extremely dependant upon military drill and religious doctrine.The key message of this essay is to give an impression of the extent to which the personality cult and the propaganda concerning the Emperor was utilized by him to create his public image and accepted by the general public.There are very few historical records of the Emporer Francis Joseph's "public relations" campaign.How he tried to influence the public thus remains a question which cannot be answered in referring to direct sources. In search of a solution,one must consider several fields which influenced the Emperor 's image or were shaped by his appearance. This is mainly the media of the 19th century and the press policy of the government under Franz Joseph.To this will gone into separately in process of this paper, for making afterwards consolidated findings out of these periods all together. Thereby becomes the media coverage about Franz Joseph in the 19th Century a very important role.Finally there will be shown that the different operating domains are strongly interacted and so they created the diverse images of the imperator. These variegated in the course of time a lot and so it is quite difficult to determine a description as significant.